Sunday, February 7, 2010

Puerto Quetazal, Guatemala

Yesterday we had an awesome trip up into the highlands of Guatemala. We drove two and a half hours through many small villages and beautiful countryside to Lake Atitlan where we boarded a boat for a one hour trip across the lake to the town of Panajachel. We were told to bring sweaters as it can be cool at that altitude, but of course “cool” is a relative term and mum and I found it very comfortable while everyone else in our group was putting on sweaters and jackets! Lake Atitlan is surrounded by three volcanoes and is very beautiful, and the boat ride was lovely. Once in Panajachel we had lunch at one of the hotels, and had some time for shopping from the locals – they are very persistent but thankfully not in a scary way! They first surrounded us when we were walking from the bus to the boat, and by the time we got to the other side of the lake, the same people were waiting for us in Panajachel, ready to try again! They lined up along the fence at the hotel to try and entice the tourists to buy from them, and when it was time to walk back to the boat they tried their hardest to convince you to buy from them. Of course mum and I succumbed, so we have some lovely souvenirs from Guatemala! We were a little late coming back to port, so they hustled us back onboard our ship and we set sail almost immediately for Acapulco, which we will be touring on Monday. The sun finally got to me, and I am now sporting a lovely burn, which luckily doesn't hurt. As Esmeralda told me the other day, it beats frostbite!

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