Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sailing toward Aruba

We're on the ship and I LOVE IT!!! Our room is lovely, and a little bigger than I was expecting so I am well pleased. Our private balcony is wonderful, and we've already spent quite a bit of time out there. We actually watched over the side of the balcony yesterday to make sure our luggage was all loaded on (it was) and it is very nice for tanning and enjoying the breezes night or day. Mum actually spent a little too much time out there today before we found the sunscreen I had packed, and as a result she's sporting a nice burn! We attended the “Welcome Onboard” show last night and it was cheesy good fun – found out there are 100 other Canadians on board, although we have yet to meet any of them. We met our dinner companions last night, and I am pleased to say that they are a congenial group – VERY lucky for us because all 8 of us are going to be doing the entire 107 days to Rome. We're sitting with three couples; one from Georgia, one from Florida and one from Las Vegas. I feel very young – so far I have only spotted maybe 5 other passengers under the age of 60! That's okay though, it's nice to feel young again! We spent today at sea and sailed past Cuba. The weather has been very fine and its been pretty smooth sailing. Unfortunately mum is feeling a little under the weather – she's a tad seasick, so we're hoping that passes soon. She spent much of the afternoon in the library reading while I attended a lecture on Aruba and then booked our shore excursion for that port. Somebody told me today that we're going to be changing time zones 24 times on this cruise, and our first change comes tonight. Tomorrow is another day at sea, and I haven't received the listing of activities for tomorrow yet, so I'm not sure what we'll be up to.....but we'll be in Aruba on Saturday, so keep your eyes peeled Saturday night or Sunday morning for an update! TTFN!

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