Sunday, May 23, 2010

Positano & Pompeii, Italy

Our first stop in Italy was at the port of Sorrento where we were tendered to shore before being transferred to a mini-bus for a hair-raising ride up the narrow streets to the top of the hill and then transferred to our slightly larger air-conditioned bus. The sun was shining brightly as we headed off along the stunning Amalfi Coast toward the town of Positano. Our driver was incredible, managing to keep us alive as we hugged the cliffside on the twisting road! The view was fantastic, and before long we could see Positano in the distance, spilling down the hillside toward the sea. Mum and I have wanted to go to Positano ever since we saw the movie “Only You”, so another dream realized! Our driver took us as far into town as he could and then we were set loose to explore the picturesque streets with their small shops and street vendors. After a blissful hour of browsing and soaking up the sun we were off along the coast again. It truly is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. After traversing the many switchbacks on a long climb up the hillside we arrived at the hotel where we were to lunch. Seated on a verandah overlooking the sea we were plied with delicious Italian dishes and wine, and left to enjoy the cool breeze and the magnificent view. Our final stop of the day was at Pompeii where we walked the cobblestone streets and toured the amphitheatre and several of the buildings (including the brothel and its naughty paintings, which only men were allowed to view during mum's last visit 40 years ago!) with Mount Vesuvius looming in the distance. What an incredible archeological site, although mum says much has changed since she was last there in 1971 – way more touristy, and less freedom to roam at will!


  1. Nice pic of you and your mom. What are those things you are both wearing around your necks?

  2. Thanks Tony! They're headsets so we could hear our tour guide - it was pretty crowded at Pompeii so it was the only way we'd all be able to get the commentary.

  3. Cool. Well have a blast on the last half of your trip. Oh and by they way. Happy birthday to your mom. I seen it on Kristian's facebook.

  4. Mum says "thanks" for the birthday wishes. Time is really flying by now!

  5. Nice post!! It seems that you had a great time. Pompeii Italy is an amazing historical landmark. It’s been year since I visited there, but the impression is still alive.
