Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LA and Beyond

What can I say about our day in L.A.? Not much, I'm least the weather was nice! After losing out on our trip to Universal we decided just to find a shopping centre to look for some items that we may not be able to get later on in the cruise. We split a cab with a couple from Calgary (coincidentally, she and I have the same birthday – odd discovery!) and went to the mall over in Torrance. As I had suspected it would, the mall kinda sucked – American malls usually do! We did manage to find an ATM though, which was desperately needed, and we got a Cinnabon, which is so much better than that Cinnzeo crud we have in Canada! After that it was back to the ship where we caught up on our laundry. Not the most exciting day, but it was a real coup to have the entire laundry room to ourselves, trust me! We lost about 200 people in LA and replaced them with a new batch, so its been interesting over the last few days to see who is still around and to check out all of the new people. Mum and I have started to take bridge lessons, and we're slowly learning. This was a good time to join since we're at sea for 5 days between LA and Honolulu, and then we're at sea for 6 days between Honolulu and our next port. We're starting to really get to know some of the other people, so that has been fun....there are some really hilarious people that we've met! Honestly, the days are just flying by – I can't believe we've been onboard for three weeks already! Mum had another bout of seasickness on Monday but she seems to be better now. We ran into some rain this afternoon so hopefully that won't last too long – I want to sit on my balcony!

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