Sunday, February 28, 2010

Suva, Fiji - A Day in the Cannibal Isles

Our day in Fiji started off with a little bit of drama. We were supposed to be docked in Suva by 8:00 Sunday morning – instead, we ended up anchored in the harbour, where we were told that there was a tsunami warning in effect and that we would have to stay in the harbour until the danger had passed. Long story short, the tsunami never arrived and we were allowed to dock only a few hours behind schedule. I confess, I was a little bit disappointed that we didn't get to see any wave action – if it had arrived it was only supposed to be about 9 feet tall, but that still would have been interesting! Luckily they were able to reschedule all but one of the shore excursions, and by 11:30 we were on our bus heading to the Arts Village of Fiji where we got to see the fire walking ceremony and a performance of cultural dances. The fire walkers were very impressive and a good time was had by all. A lot of the stores were closed because it was Sunday, and some of the stores that were supposed to be open weren't because the owners had left for higher ground in case the tsunami arrived. Didn't matter to us though because we're trying not to do a lot of shopping anyway! The scenery around Suva was stunning – so lush and so green. I absolutely loved it! It was overcast for most of the day which kept it from getting too hot, and it actually didn't rain very much while we were out and about. The people were so friendly everywhere that we went. All in all, mum and I agreed that we'd be more than happy to return to Fiji in the future!


  1. Hi Berna! It's your cousin Karen calling out from the dark abyss!

    Wow, so far it sounds like you're having an amazing trip - aside from your mother's seasickness of course. I think the accounts I'm most looking forward to reading are for New Zealand (so far that's one of the best places I've ever visited!), Pusan (for obvious reasons), and Rome.

    It sounds like you'll be doing a lot of travelling after this trip is over!

  2. Hey Karen! Good to hear from you! Mum is mostly over the seasickness now, thank goodness, but she's definitely looking forward to being on land for awhile in Australia! We loved, loved, loved New Zealand, and I'm starting to get really excited about the Asian leg of the trip. Still so much more to see and do!
